Christopher Denny’s very helpful notes on the Theology Without Walls planning meeting at the San Antonio AAR. Please post suggestions for topics and any other ideas you would like to share, as a comment on this posting. We look forward to hearing from you.

2016 Planning Meeting


Theology without Walls Planning Meeting

Marriott Riverwalk Hotel – Travis Conference Room– San Antonio, TX

November 20, 2016 – 4:00 pm


Presiding: Jerry L. Martin, University of Colorado

Present: Christopher Denny, St. John’s University (rapporteur); Joyce Konigsburg, Duquesne University; Nadya Pohran, University of Cambridge; Anthony Watson, Woodberry Forest School; Kurt Anders Richardson, McMaster University; Jeanine Diller, University of Toledo; John Thatamanil, Union Theological Seminar; Jeffrey Long, Elizabethtown College; Marc Pugliese, Saint Leo University; Doug King, Presence International; Bonnie Glass-Coffin, Utah State University; Abigail Martin, Brooklyn College;


  1. The meeting began at 4:00 pm with introductions.


  1. Reports


  1. Jeanine Diller, University of Toledo

      Report on Models of God and on Interfaith Activities


A second edition of Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities, edited by Jeanine Diller and Asa Kasher, is coming out soon. An online version of the book will be published by Springer. A $24.95 “My Copy” version of the book is available for people who work at libraries at institutions that have a relationship with Springer. An electronic version is free and free downloads are available through library databases. Gaps in the existing edition call for filling gaps in Islam and eastern traditions, and a call for section editors and writers has been made. Contributions on multiple religious belonging are also planned.



  1. John Thatamanil, Union Theological Seminary

Report on Publication Projects


There is a risk from journal pieces, as we could become cognoscenti. Our fields are book driven except for analytic concentrations within the field. This needs to change. A response from respondents to previously published TWW work could test our project and give us visibility. TWW needs to be distinguished from comparative theology. People like Frank Clooney, Catherine Cornille, Paul Hedges, and others were suggested as scholarly interlocutors for this proposal. Jeffery Long suggested that the relationship between comparative theology and TWW be a theme for next year’s TWW AAR sessions; there was support from others present for this proposal. Chris Denny suggested that institutional affiliation also be considered alongside a CT-TWW panel. Joyce Konigsburg also raised the issue of identifying the walls that TWW alludes to in its project. Kurt Richardson proposed consideration of an “eschatology without walls” for panel consideration.


Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Denny, Saint John’s University