for a topical issue of Open Theology
Recognizing Encounters with Ultimacy Across Religious Boundaries
"Open Theology" ( invites submissions for the topical issue " Recognizing Encounters with Ultimacy Across Religious Boundaries," edited by Jerry L. Martin (University of Colorado, USA).
A person who reads texts from other religious traditions sometimes encounters what the reader understands to be a transcendent encounter with ultimacy. Encounters with the ultimate – not only with texts but also with practices and persons – need to be taken into account theologically. Contributors will be asked to consider how this has happened to them in the process of reading, what texts captured their attention, and what ‘marks of ultimacy,’ if any, distinguished those texts. Were there ways these texts spoke to their personal situations? Are such texts to be found only in religious canons, or also among literary and philosophical works as well?
Among the questions you might consider are: How could your encounter go beyond a personal report to provide evidence and insights about ultimacy? How does your encounter compare to those of others in the history of religion? Are such texts to be found only in religious canons, or also among literary and philosophical works as well? How does your understanding of marks of ultimacy compare to the accounts given by others? What does your encounter reveal about theological method? What theological insights resulted from this encounter?
Authors publishing their articles in the special issue will benefit from:
- Transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review
- Efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De Gruyter Open’s e-technology
- Free language assistance for authors from non-English speaking regions
- No publishing fees
Submissions are due May 31, 2018. To submit an article for the special issue of Open Theology, authors are asked to access the on-line submission system at:
Please choose as article type: “Topical Issue Article: Encounters with Ultimacy”.
Before submission the authors should carefully read over the Instruction for Authors, available at:
All contributions will undergo critical review before being accepted for publication.
Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to Jerry L. Martin at In case of technical questions, please contact journal Managing Editor Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk at